Oh, month of June just arrived!! This month is like wedding season because we got a few wedding invitations from our close relatives. On Saturday, we were invited to Nani's house in Klang. This invitation was about her daughter's wedding ceremony. Since Nani is my cousin, so I should call my niece as a "second cousin".  
R wanted to see the whole traditions of malay wedding so we left home early around 11 am and arrived there about 10 minutes to 12 pm. There were 6 of us sitting at one table my mom, my sister and her husband, K and two of us. We had a buffet food as usual, briyani rice and other delicious meal. 

I guess we ate not much. Really. We can't wait to see the wedding parade. R and I waited at the entrance of the canopy and  watching the bride and groom walking under extremely hot weather. But they looked happy.

We met the bride's families and certainly all my second cousins are grown up and I hardly to recognize their faces. 

R had fun meeting my relatives. We left around 1.30 pm.