28 February 2013

Decorating a nursery and choosing the color are  exciting but honestly we have a lot of things to decide when it comes to create our baby room. There is a lot of theme and ideas over the internet and absolutely we had a hard time to get our own style. We simply thought just to create it simple, modern look and affordable.

The wall color is the first thing to create surrounding look. We definitely want something cozy, fresh atmosphere and bright color. We chose light blue or green at first but Robert changed his mind at last minute because he thought it was not bright enough. He chose orange. To me, orange is a great color.

We also thinking the color on the furnitures. Mix and match color with the orange wall was another difficult part. We tried imagining with different color to suit with the wall. We totally didn't think to have brown or black or white furniture. We  finally decided to choose bright green. Orange and green combination look exciting for the baby.

We hunted around several baby stores to get the basic furniture such as crib, changing table, mattress and other stuff. We finally managed to buy those from Ikea. Unfortunately the crib colored green was sold out so we got the beech colored one and Robert painted them green. 

Another thing a seriously comfy chair. I would be spending a lot of time in the chair for breast feeding. We looked for rocking chair and tried different kind of couch and chairs and we totally attracted to this kind of armchair with a comfort stool.

The accessories of the room are star night light, bed canopy, soft toy bear, dog, green rugs and green trash can.

We thought about simple drawing of tree and birds on the wall but I definitely can't do it on my own. To make our job easier we just stick the disney character stickers on the wall.


It was like our dream come true. We prepared the baby room two weeks before he arrives to the world. I hope our baby will love his room.

Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2013 by Zoey

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26 February 2013

I suppose to attend the "train the trainer course" on Tuesday. It was two days course and that day was the first day. I was tired on that morning due to stay up late putting up the disney sticker's on the wall at the baby room. I drove to the office around 8.40 am. Suddenly I felt something liquid gush came out by the time I arrived at the office. "OMG my water broke! It is time!! The water was flowing more and more and wet the car seat. I rushingly turned around my car. I saw my officemate on the stairs, stopped the car and told them that I have to go back. I passed my manager car on the way back. I was careless that I should inform him that I can't attend the course but it was so emergency!! So everything forgetful.

The water still running down and mess on the house floor when I reached home. Robert still confuse what had happened. His face looked unbelievable what's came on that morning and speechless. We actually were not ready for the baby that will be popping out that day! My hospital bag was not ready and the baby clothes too. We suppose to wash all of them before putting on the baby. Now everything was messed up and I got nervous. I called hospital to ask when was the right time I go to the hospital.  The nurse asked me to come right away to emergency room. "Ma'am, You should come now the baby will suffocate if you took too long".

So we decided to send me first to the hospital and Robert will get the other stuff later. We packed the hospital bag and drove to Tropicana Medical Centre. I thought I was going to deliver another few days but it was happened so quick and we
have to do it as per our birth plan that we discussed with our ObGyn a week ago.

At the Tropicana medical centre

We stopped just right in front of the emergency room and registered  for admission at 10.23 am. The nurse came with a wheel chair and sent me to delivery suite room. The delivery room was a private room, cold and really nice. A midwife came and put strap around my belly for fetal heart beat monitoring and also monitor my contraction level. She told me the baby's heart beat fine and my contraction was not so strong. She took the strap off of my belly  so that I can move around in the room. (birthplan (bp) no. 3).

By 11.30 am, the midwife came to do vaginal exam (VE). She said my uterus dilated about 4 cm. The contraction came in one minute on and one minute off. I stopped walking when it came and sit down. Robert went back home to get the stuff. I was alone in the room while walking and reading my notes that I wrote the other day from the childbirth class. In the note says that I was in active phase! (Bp no 4). Reading the notes was like I have to pass the childbirth exam. Anyway it just made me focus on what happened instead of focus on my pain. 

By 12 pm, My Obgyn came to my room and asked about my condition. She did VE also and this time my uterus dilated about 5 cm. Doctor told me that she  will come again around 4.30 pm. Why 4.30 pm Dr? I asked. She said  normally uterus dilated 1 cm every one hour.

Finally Robert arrived to my room around 1.30 pm with laptop, birthing ball and pillows to support my childbirth situation (BP no. 5). I sat on the ball and bouncing while Robert sitting on the couch hugging me from behind. This time contraction was really strong. I felt cramping across the bottom of my uterus. The worst menstrual cramps ever! The medical centre served me lunch but I wasn't be able to eat the food when the cramps came. I totally put the tray away and concentrate on my breathing technique.

Robert really helped me to stay focus on breathing. Like in the note, stare on one object and focus breathing. Took a deep breath and exhale through my mouth. Seriously the pain was so intense and building on and on. Around 2 pm I won't longer be able to walk and sitting and bouncing on the ball. I couldn't stand it anymore. I moved to the bed and laying down. Robert standing beside me and I held his hand tightly to bear the pain. I tried to smile when Robert took me several pictures but I can't hide it my face expression from the pain. Poor me!

I tried to do on all four postion on the bed while Robert gave me massage on my back. That position absolutely made me feel want to poop. It wasn't poop but actually the baby's head down on my birth canal cause of gravity. That was why I felt something big on my bowel. I couldn't tolerate no more, it was horrible pain and really intense. I moved back to lay down.  By  4 pm, I fully dilated according to midwife after she did the VE. Wow! Everything went so fast and honestly I wasn't ready to do it. I completely so nervous and scare. Robert calm me down and said it gonna be alright.

The OB and two other midwives finally came at 4.30 pm. They carried along the hospital equipment and other stuff. I still couldn't believe it that I was going to deliver my baby right away, right then, I was shaking while they were changing the bed frame, lifted up my legs on the stand and asked me to hold the handle on the side of the bed. I forgot what to do that time. I knew I would like to do push through my instinct as per plan (bp no 8).

But the plan has changed!. I definitely don't know how to push. The midwife taught me the pushing technique. She asked me to take a deep breath, put my chin down on my chest, hold my breath and push with my stomach muscle when the contraction came. I started pushing when I felt it came and what I heard that those midwives shouted loudly saying PUSH!, HARDER! VERY GOOD!, YES! PUSH! VERY GOOD! few times. I think it took 10 minutes for me to push and the baby's head came out a little and unfortunately bounced back into my birth canal. One of the midwifes positioning my belly while saying "Baby, help mommy ok"

I lost some of my energy to push and started get some exhaustion. The nurse wiped my face off  with wet towel and Robert gave me some water. The team allowed me to get some break when the contraction was off. My OB said  I had 10 minutes to push and she would assist with the vaccum if the baby didn't come out. My OB allowed me to touch my baby's head while the baby still in my birth canal. I felt motivated when I touched his hair. Seriously I didn't want to have vaccum on my baby so my mission was going to push harder and stronger than before. I completely pushed harder this time when the contraction pain came. I felt pressure when the baby head was crowning and the team again shouted on me and I also heard Robert's voice saying push. 

Finally our little boy's head out at 5.02 pm and my OB called Robert to catch the baby. It was funny when I saw Robert nervously put the gloves on and pulled our son's body out. I speechless the minute I saw my baby was crying. He was so pink and wet. I felt a huge sense of relieved when the hard part was over. The midwife helped him to put the baby on my chest (bp no 9). I was so thrilled, surprised, happy and I couldn't say how overjoyed I was when I have him in my arms. The doctor clamped his umbilical cord and handed the small scissor to Robert to cut it. It was really amazing part. Catching my baby and cutting the umbilical cord such an honor to him. He wishes those and it granted.

I was completely thankful that I have natural, no epidural or drug-free childbirth. Robert was in tears happily and kissed me on my forehead. We both truthfully happy experiencing the labour and delivery and now welcoming our baby boy to the world on Tuesday, 5th February 2013, at 5.02 PM. We got picture of three of us and that was the magical moment!! 

After delivery
I was so glad I have no episiotomy procedure (surgical cut between vagina and anus to enlarge vaginal opening) bp no. 9). It was just muscles tear and I had few stitches on that part. The placenta came out at 5.30 pm.  I was happy that my birth plan was successful except the pushing coach. The nurse took our son to the nursery for APGAR score and Robert followed the nurse to see how the nurse doing the APGAR score

Thankfully our baby is healthy and the score was 10 with weight 3.06 kg

Three of us stay overnight in the single bed room at the Diamond Ward. We went back home on the next day after lunch.

Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 by Zoey


21 February 2013

Even its been two weeks I've delivered my baby, I think I am going to share what we've had prepared before the arrival of our baby. Seriously Robert and I can't expect what will be happen during labor and delivery. Preparation is the key. Besides attending 6 session of childbirth online classes. We also found birth plan checklist from babycenter.com website. We printed out that birth plan and we discussed with my OB/GYN at my appointment on 25th Jan 2013. This time I was 37th weeks pregnant. 
picture from babycentre.com
The discussion took about half an hour. My OB/GYN told us most of the birth plan that she got from her previous patients 80% were not successful and some successful. We just plan and see what comes up. Thankfully we had a good OB/GYN, very concern about our plan unless something emergency.  
So here it is our birth plan:  
There were many options and the red color were the one we selected
I'd like the following people to be present during labor and/or birth:
Partner: Husband


I'd like to: 

>bring music
>dim the lights
>wear my own clothes during labor and delivery
>take pictures and/or video during labor and delivery

I'd like the option of returning home if I'm not in active labor.
Once I'm admitted, I'd like:

>my partner to be allowed to stay with me at all times
>only my practitioner, nurse, and guests to be present (i.e., no residents, medical students, or other hospital personnel)

>to wear my contact lenses, as long as I don't need a c-section
>to eat if I wish to
>to try to stay hydrated by drinking clear fluids instead of having an IV to have a heparin or saline lock

>to walk and move around as I choose

As long as the baby and I are doing fine,
 I'd like to:
>have intermittent rather than continuous electronic fetal monitoring
>be allowed to progress free of stringent time limits and have my labor augmented only if necessary

If available, I'd like to try a:
>birthing stool
>birthing chair
>squatting bar
>birthing pool/tub

Unfortunately the medical centre don't provide all those above props so
the option is...

I'd like to bring the following equipment with me:
>birthing stool
>beanbag chair
>birthing pool/tub
>other: Birthing ball
I'd like to try the following pain-management techniques:
>bath/shower .
>breathing techniques/distraction
>hot/cold therapy


Please don't offer me pain medication. I'll request it if I need it.
If I decide I want medicinal pain relief, I'd prefer:
>regional analgesia (an epidural and/or spinal block)
>systemic medication

When it's time to push, I'd like to:
>do so instinctively
>be coached on when to push and for how long
>be allowed to progress free of stringent time limits as long as my baby and I are doing fine

I'd like to try the following positions for pushing (and birth):
>side-lying position
>squatting hands and knees whatever feels right at the time
During delivery, I'd like:
>to view the birth using a mirror
>to touch my baby's head as it crowns
>the room to be as quiet as possible
>to give birth without an episiotomy
>my partner to help "catch" our baby

After birth, I'd like:
>to hold my baby right away, putting off any procedures that aren't urgent
>to breastfeed as soon as possible
>not to get oxytocin (Pitocin) after I deliver the placenta unless it's necessary
>to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it's clamped and cut
my partner to cut the umbilical cord

>If I have a c-section, I'd like:
>my partner present at all times during the operation
>the screen lowered a bit so I can see my baby being delivered
>the baby to be given to my partner as soon as he's dried, if appropriate
>to breastfeed my baby in the recovery room

I'm planning to: 

>donate cord blood to a public bank
>bank cord blood privately

After delivery, I'd like:
>all newborn procedures to take place in my presence
>my partner to stay with the baby at all times if I can't be there 

>to stay in a private room
>to have a cot provided for my partner
I'd like:
>24-hour rooming-in with my baby
>my baby to room-in with me only when I'm awake
>my baby brought to me for feedings only
>to make my decision later depending on how I'm feeling
 >my other children brought in to see me and meet the new baby as soon as possible after the birth.


I plan to:
>breastfeed exclusively
>combine breastfeeding and formula-feeding
>formula-feed exclusively

Do not offer my baby:
>formula sugar
>a pacifier


I'd like to: 
>be discharged from the hospital with my baby as soon as possible
>stay at the hospital as long as possible
>wait and see how I feel before deciding about the timing of hospital discharge

So Does our birth plan successful? I'll write on the next post

Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2013 by Zoey

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