29 August 2013

Axel has been showing signs of teething since 5 months 3 weeks. I discovered white caps on the bottom in the middle and now two teeth emerging on that part.


Drooling and biting finger are part of the signs.

There are many teething rings brand to choose from and I purchased NUK brand since it is simple, soft plastic and not hard like the other brands. I chill that teether in the fridge before giving to him. He totally loves it! He chews every time after feeding or whenever he wants.
He is really concentrate chewing on it....

Posted on Thursday, August 29, 2013 by Zoey

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27 August 2013

What on earth had I watched the notebook movie a couple days ago? I guess I did not see the whole story before. I noticed something at the fight scene of the movie. It totally remind me that we used to fight like that. Not all of it but it started at 2:00 min when he said you are bored to.... the end.  It made me laugh and I showed it to R. 

 I agreed any relationship is not easy but we make it through by working on it.

Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 by Zoey

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24 August 2013

Last Friday was my first day of menstrual period. Honestly I was surprised when  I got my period back ! kind of exciting . My cycle has been taking long break and now is returning to work! Well 9 months pregnant  since July 2012 of course you got no period. I had my pospartum bleeding about  a month. Then no period until Axel turned 6 month ++. Bloody from vajayjay is not fun at all but at least I feel pretty normal now.  :-)

Thankfully the flow is normal and no cramps.

Posted on Saturday, August 24, 2013 by Zoey

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21 August 2013

Axel just turned 6 months.What's new thing to us is that we introduced him solid food at this stage. It is on the right time as pediatricians recommended feeding the babies at least 6 months old.

Honestly I have no idea about feeding the baby.But I am so excited! Also I can't wait to pick the baby food. He's been eyeballing on our food on the plate every time we have meal. That showing he is so ready! At this age, he just really needs to practice and learn. I know it would be fun to watch him taste different foods. And the most expectation is MESSY.

We started with a few table spoon of apple puree or fruits puree straight from the jar in the mid morning and cereal mix with breast milk for lunch time.

Swallowing food at the first time kind of awkward to him. He made funny face and dribble it out. His tongue keep pointing out while tasting it. It so cute! After a few days trying I am glad he learns pretty well.The most important thing he enjoyed the food and like it. Thankfully no fussy at all and no allergy reaction so far. Some baby website recommended that take photo of your baby first taste solid food. So here it is Axel and puree

Introducing solid food can be confusing. When? How much should I offer? So I searched baby menu plan and found out this website is really help us as guidance. He can't sit up properly yet so we let him lay upright on his stroller. Soon he would sit on high chair.

Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 by Zoey

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18 August 2013

R joined New Balance half marathon (21 km) race at Setia Alam, Shah Alam last weekend. This time he managed to drive to the race location by himself using navi. Axel and I  just stayed at home relaxing on Sunday weekend.

R won 9th place out of I didn't exactly know. But I know he did a good job. He achieved the target, I guess. He was happy when he's home before lunch. He brought a piece of medal and also a nice trophy! Congrats Hubby! I am proud of

21 k is sound too far to me. But to the pro runner, that isn't. How far it was? You can see the map of the route
I  am fond of an odd number

Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2013 by Zoey

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