I always go to the beach in very late afternoon. Around 6 pm. I love that time. I won’t get sun burn and the waves will be awesome when tide is rising. On that day the waves were really good and the water didn’t carry the dried grass like the other day. I love bodyboarding or boogie board. It is great exercise and it's fun activity during summer.

Body board is rectangular, shorter and smaller than a surfboard. Click here to see my body board. It is actually like skating or surfing where you can ride the waves with different maneuvers or style. It can be basic ride, 360, reverse or on the knee ride style. 

Generally I just do basic maneuver. I just lay flat on my belly with my hands holding the board on the front side when riding the waves. So let's see the pictures of me boogie and catching the waves. Robert was the photographer.
The waves breaking behind me and it carried me towards the beach
 I went back to surf for several times
Sometimes the powerful waves dragged me and push my board away.
He said it was like in bikini destination show on tv.
I wish I will be pro like this

The other thing to tell; Those pictures below were taken BEFORE I went for bodyboarding.

A lot of men surfing with the surf board on that day. Robert also was one of the surfers. It look so crowded in the ocean and I couldn't tell where Robert was. They all looked same in the water. After a while I saw Robert carrying his board and the other surfer dude came out of the water. 
 The other surfer dudes
 More surfers
How did they know the waves were so good on that day haha! I've never seen them before. Anyway I really had fun on that day!