Robert participated running race 6 km on last Sunday (8th Jan). He eagerly wanted to run 12 km race but the regisration of that category was close and the 6 km was still open. The race was at Padang Merbuk,Jln parlimen KL so we left our house early at 5.30 am to go there. A lot of people came earlier than us when we arrived at the place. Fortunately we managed to find a space to park our car which was closed to Bukit Aman police station and walked from there to Padang Merbuk.  
time on the pic was incorrect (it is actually 7.21, so the rest  for the other pics too)
The running participants were about four thousands people. I saw some of them stretching, walking and warming up to get ready for running.The race started at 7 am for 6 km women and Robert's race started at 7.20 am.
The first runner finished at 7.40 pm and some runners were from Kenya and other country like germany, Great Britain. Kenyan ran like flying to the finish line. I waited and looking for Robert. One by one runner passed by and it made me wonder why he was late for 15 minutes. He is very good long distance runner and finished 6 km at least for 20-25 minutes last time when he did few races in the USA. 

Finally I saw him running. He managed to run at the finish line around 8.11 am. He told me that most of the route were hilly and that made him slow and stopped for a few times. 

I got him 100 plus drink and we sat down at one of the tent. We were there until the giving prize event.
 My baby's race number. Not lucky enough to get the lucky draw winner! :P
We stood by close to the stage to see the top 10 runner who won the prize. This is his first time race running on the hilly place so he wasn't really upset.

And we left the place around 9.45 am.