Axel is 18 months old this month. He become busy and active toddler,
Running around the house
Walking back and forth, 
Climb up and down the boxes
Talking on the phone (its own words)
He is really chatters..with it own world language.

This month time for his vaccination..He got 3 kind of vaccinations in one jab and thanks god he was not fussy all the time.

He was at Medical Centre

He got a gift from his pediatrician and a piece of cute note.

Other than that the results, he is taller than average boys based on the charts but his weight below than normal. It made me worry.

He is really juicer. He can drinks juices all day long.

He understands when I said
"Drink water"
"Eat something"
"Time for nap"

"Do you want milk"
"Go to bed"
"Let's go bath" and more .........

I bought  him this month