Today is 11.11.11, Veteran's day which is US federal holiday and colder weather started back on. What a particular day! Also I made chocolate fudge for the first time.

The ingredients are:

Or you could find a kit that contain all those ingredients in one box at the store. That is super-duper easy.

1) Mix butter + sugar + milk in heavy duty saucepan. Turn medium heat and stirring constantly until boiling. Stir them for 4-5 minutes.
2) Slow heat, pour semi sweet choc and marshmallow. Stir them until the marshmallows are melted.

You can read the recipe here

3) Pour the mixture in the tray

Refrigerate for 2 hours. Then you cut it into cube size. Make sure that you wet your knife with warm water before cutting it.

This is it. Store them in the container.

Perfect for holiday or party!! Have fun trying...