Every relationship has its ups and downs. Sometimes simple thing could make bad things happen. Recently Robert showed me a specific scene of 1994 movie “Pulp Fiction".  He said that Butch and Fabienne part were just look too much like us. We watched it together and the scenes absolutely gave us a great laugh. I don't know how to break the part of the movie so I just find the scene parts from the YouTube

This bathroom scene just remind us when Robert likes to aggravate me and I feel irritating, he said sorry, kissing thing

Butch: My name is Fabby! My name is Fabby! My name is Fabienne
Fabienne: Stop it! Stop it! Shut up fuck head! I hate that Mongoloid voice. 
Butch: Hey, sorry, sorry, sorry, I take it back! Can I have a towel please, Miss Beautiful Tulip. 
Fabienne: Oh I like that, I like being called a tulip. Tulip is much better than mongoloid.
Butch:I didn't call you a Mongoloid, I called you a retard, but I took it back.
F: Butch?
B:  Yes, lemon pie
Fabienne :  Where are we going to go?
BUTCH:  I'm not sure yet. Wherever you want.We're gonna get a lot of money from this. But it ain't gonna be so much, we can live like hogs in the fat  house forever. I was thinking we could go somewhere in the South acific. The kinda money we'll have'll carry us a long way down there.
FABIENNE: So if we wanted, we could live in Bora Bora?
BUTCH :You betcha. And if after awhile you  don't dig Bora Bora, then we can move over to Tahiti or Mexico.
FABIENNE: But I do not speak Spanish.
Butch:  You don't speak Bora Boran either. Besides, Mexican is easy: Donde esta el zapataria?
FABIENNE: What does that mean?
Butch: Where's the shoe store?
FABIENNE: Donde esta el zapataria?
BUTCH: Excellent pronunciation. You'll be my little mama ceta in no time. Que hora es?
Fabienne: Que hora es?
BUTCH: What time is it?
FABIENNE: What time is it?
BUTCH:Time for bed. Sweet dream, jellybean.
Another scene that reminds me one time exactly Robert acted when he got really mad, except no throw stuff on the floor.  This scene is so funny. We definitely laughed when they were talking so nicely about breakfast and then suddenly turned into something bad

F: I'm gonna order a big plate of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup, eggs over easy, and five sausages.
B: Anything to drink with that?
F: Oh yes that looks nice.  To drink, a tall glass or orange juice a black cup of coffee.  After that, I'm going to have a slice of pie.
B: Pie for breakfast?
F: Any time of the day is a good time for pie. Blueberry pie to go with the pancakes. And on top, a thin slice of melted cheese
B: where's my watch?
F: It’s there.
B: No, it's not.  It's not here.
F:  Have you looked?
B: Yes I've fuckin' looked!!What the fuck do you think I'm doing?!  Are you sure you got it?

We've had that kind of conversation before and it was long time ago. Funny when we can see image of us.