We are totally kind of the people who never live without OJ. Orange juice or OJ (American term) is must have for our daily breakfast in the US. But here in KL,Malaysia we bought oranges every week since we found them a lot cheaper than a carton of pure juice (64 oz) which is cost about RM21.49 at the store in KL. That's a huge differences when we compared the price of orange juice in the US which is $2.99 (RM9.00) for 64 oz and $4.99 (RM15.00) for 89 oz . I might have conversion unit syndrome when I shop groceries here so everything is calculated to save money.

100% pure, not concentrated and pasteurized of a bottle of OJ are undeniably choice of us in the US. Get from the fridge, shake it and pour to the glass and drink. Easy!! and I completely don't bother what type of orange that they made of. I just know that just pure OJ, love it and nothing else.

Now I learned something about oranges. Types of orange. The different taste and sweetness between these two oranges, Valencia and Navel. Navel has bigger size than Valencia which is really sweet, seedless and taste just like OJ. 

I think it is pretty cool when we cut and eat real oranges everyday and set it with mango. Orange-mango combination is completely quench for breakfast. mmmm....

Have a fantastic weekend !!