Babe is really happy about his new treat today. He goes nuts when he's getting it, chewing it all day long and hide it somewhere after he got tired. The purpose of that bone is to keep him busy, eliminating him from boredom and relieving his stress. It also promoting healthy teeth, strong jaws and reducing bad breath.

I got him a knuckle beef smoked bone as his new treat when I went to get some chocolate candy bars in Walgreen store. That bone came with big round size, heavy and smokey taste. Only 3 bucks! It looks ugly but Babe really in love with it. Babe not only chews it but he eats it. I hope it would last for days. I captured the moment of him with the bone.

Last week I bought a blue color of solid rubber toy from Amazon but he tore it up and broke into pieces within a few minutes. That item stated that it long lasting and durability but it was really unexpected. I took his pictures on the first day he got it but it was gone after two days.