Most tv news reporting about how bad weather it was during the winter storm. Vehicles crashes, car skids and accidents were part of the incidents happened due to icy and slippery roads. But we were really having fun in snow. We kept getting update the weather forecast so that we know what's gonna happen in the next hour. The freezing rain will be pouring down at 4 pm. So we decided to build a snowman before that time. We had French toast for lunch then we rushed to put thick jackets, boots, hats and gloves on. It was really heavy on me when I put all those clothes on.
We hope we have enough time to build before raining coming down. The snow start falling heavily when we went outside.We rolled the snow into ball but it didn't stick well. The textures of the snow were so fluffy, dusty or like powder. You can see in the video how fluffy it was.
Posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011
cet suka no snow....tak buat snowgirl ke? saja aku tulis bm..robok takleh bacok..hokhok