Most tv news reporting about how bad weather it was during the winter storm. Vehicles crashes, car skids and accidents were part of the incidents happened due to icy and slippery roads. But we were really having fun in snow. We kept getting update the weather forecast so that we know what's gonna happen in the next hour. The freezing rain will be pouring down at 4 pm. So we decided to build a snowman before that time. We had French toast for lunch then we rushed to put thick jackets, boots, hats and gloves on. It was really heavy on me when I put all those clothes on.
We hope we have enough time to build before raining coming down. The snow start falling heavily when we went outside.We rolled the snow into ball but it didn't stick well. The textures of the snow were so fluffy, dusty or like powder. You can see in the video how fluffy it was.

We had a lot of work to do. We shovelled the snow into a big bucket, took it at another place, flipped it over , poured water  to make it stiff and build it.

The heavy snowfall won't bothering us to build it. We wanted to finish it quickly because we started getting cold in a few hours in the snowing.
Robert was touching up the snowman.
Finally we made it.. Yeayy..
How tall it was? It was about 9-10 ft tall. Anyway it didn't last long.
The snowing stop and drizzling started pouring down. A few photos have taken for the post snowing. On the roof tops ..
Figs tree,

 the backyard
Babe, he was like invisible in the snow
 and my baby was trying to hit me with a snow ball when I took his picture
We went inside the house around 5.30 pm, we were so exhausted and really got freezing to death. We dried the clothing out in the dryer. Everything was wet and ice sticking on my boots and hat.

Robert wanted to go out again at night. I was so sleepy and refused to go with him but I rethink it would be fun at night.  So we went out around 11 pm. The rain stopped that time and we started doing our job, rolling the snow. This time the snow sticking together very well. I think it because the rain made it stiff and the temperature was perfect. We rolled, rolled and pushed until it became a big ball. I can't pushed it anymore by myself. It was so heavy!! Robert helped me rolling and pushing the snowball.

This would be a giant fat snowman. We made 3 big snowballs. How we gonna put on top to each other? It was very, very heavy. So he put the plank wood on the first ball and we rolled and pushed the second ball on the plank wood on top of the first ball. Then I touched it up with the tennis balls for the eyes, a carrot for the nose, 2 sticks for the hands. It was too dark at night and I can't took my pictures clearly. Poor thing!
I felt so worthwhile when I changed my mind to go out again with him at night. The result of our snowman sculpture was better than the first one. It was awesome. We made it again!! Those pictures below have taken on the next day. Here it is:

The snow has been melting due to raining last night and it was so wet and icy on the grass. This giant snowman will stay long for few days.